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Sustainable Fisheries


FSA brings together companies,
which follow the principles
of sustainable fishing unfailingly

FSA brings together companies, which follow the principles of sustainable fishing unfailingly
Rational and responsible fishing

FSA members

  • engage in engage in fishery that ensures a long-term balance between the economic purposes of fishing and the objectivities of conservation of exploited resources at population and ecosystem level;
  • take into account in their activities and development programs the socio-economic interests of the regions where commercial and onshore fishing is carried out.
Protection of national interests in maritime industry

FSA members are guided by the interests of the Russian state, Russian business and Russian consumers, contributing to improving the efficiency and long-term stability of the development of national stocks of aquatic biological resources through

  • assistance in the renewal of the fishing fleet and the development of domestic shipbuilding;
  • development of ultra-processing mainly on board fishing vessels and production of fish products to flood the domestic market and export diversification.
Compliance with the rules of international law

FSA members

  • are guided by international standards for responsible fishing;
  • comply with the international obligations of the Russian Federation for the conservation and sustainable use of the living resources of the high seas in accordance with the Agenda 21 adopted by the UN Conference on Environment and Development, as well as other international obligations in the fisheries;
  • stand for the preservation of the norms of international conventions for the safety of life at sea and the safety of navigation and strict compliance with them by all parties.
Conservation of aquatic biological resources

FSA members

  • recognize that illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing leads to stock depletion;
  • perceive the impact of their activities on the state of fish stocks and responsibility for the conservation of fish population;
  • prevent such excessive fishing pressure on aquatic ecosystems that they lose their ability to recover;
  • aim to minimize any marine environmental contamination, which can harm living resources and sea life, pose a hazard to human health; reducing the quality of seawater used;
  • recognize the value of reasonable control of the conservation of living resources in the high seas and commit to take into account scientific information on the state of stocks of marine biological resources when fishing;
  • strive to minimize waste, reduce the catch of non-target fish species, and reduce the impact on associated and dependent species;
  • are in favor of direct weighing of catches in order to avoid uncontrolled catch.
Priority of consumer interests

FSA members

  • aim to reduce supply chains from harvesting and processing to consumers of final products;
  • strive to ensure the processing and sale of fish products with preserving nutritional value, quality and food safety in the interests of consumers.
Renewal of the fishing fleet

The FSA members strive to modernized the operating fleet by

  • construction of modern high-efficient vessels on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • arrangement on board of zero-waste ultra-processing or systems for the preservation of live, chilled and fresh products, warehousing and storage of final products with ensuring the maximum possible preservation of quality;
  • providing vessels with the necessary fishing gear, thereby contributing to a significant increase in the economic return on each ton of fish caught and preventing pollution of the marine environment.
Priority of employees’ interests and safety

FSA members

  • ensure a high quality of working and living conditions for crews at sea and longshore workers;
  • take steps to insure the life and health of employees, as well as to step up social support measures for them and their families;
  • prevent labor law violation and discrimination of employees based on race, color bar, age, gender, national origin, political and ideological reasons, affiliation with associations, marital status.
Impermissibility of illegal fishing

Standing for fair competition, FSA members

  • counteract illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing based on zero tolerance approach;
  • commit to inform the public authorities responsible for the regulation of the industry about the facts of IUU fishing detected by them;
  • advocate for weighing of catches on board fishing vessels as a measure to combat IUU fishing;
  • do not allow the reflagging of fishing vessels as a way of evading compliance with international measures for the conservation and management of marine living resources.
Openness and transparency

Recognizing the right of each FSA member to trade and other legally protected secrets, the members of the Association stand for maximum openness to the public and express their readiness to provide information, including information on environmental policy, catches, and vessel locations.

The Parties support initiatives for weighing and video recording of catches using modern facilities.

The Parties stand for the full traceability of each catch in the product supply chain, from the fishing area to the final consumer.

The fishing of the FSA member companies and the product traceability system comply with MSC sustainable fisheries standards

MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) is an international non-profit organization that has developed standards for environmentally responsible fishing and a certificate of supply chain traceability. The MSC label on product packaging guarantees that fish and seafood come only from legal and environmentally responsible fisheries, which care for conservation of marine biological resources.