Living the core values, FSA promotes
a set of measures to ensure the long-term
development of the fishing industry
- Implementation of the second stage of the investment quota program in the amount of 20% of the total allowable catches (TAC) of walleye pollock and herring for the construction of processing-trawlers and onshore plants in combination with fishing vessels delivering catches to enterprises
- Allocation of an additional 4% of the TAC to maintain the resource provision of the participants of the first stage
Allocation of 50% of the remaining «historical» quotas by auctions
- Arrangement of catch weighing on vessels in certain fishing areas with ensuring transition period
- Introduction of advanced technologies and equipment for catch accounting to avoid bycatch discards
- Zero-waste processing of all catches on board
- A new unified type of ABR harvesting quota equal to the fishing vessel capacity («keel quota») with fixing for the period of effective operation of a new vessel
- Renewal of contracts for a «keel quota» when replacing a retired vessel with a new one of a similar type
- Auctioning the «keel quota» in case of non-performance of the obligation to replace a fishing vessel
Since 2034 (in stages), conducting fishery using only Russian-built vessels in the territorial waters and EEZ of the Russian Federation, initially in the Far Eastern and Northern fishery basins
- Development and implementation of programs to reduce the shortage of qualified personnel in marine specialties
- Enhancing the prestige of working in the fishing industry in the North and the Far East
- Preparation of training programs taking into account the requirements of the new fishing fleet
- Involvement of teaching staff with practical experience in the fishery
Implementation of programs and measures of state support to encourage customers to build and repair fishing vessels at Russian shipyards and ship repair plants, to set up new ship repair facilities
Establishment of the operating life of large- and medium-tonnage fishing vessels