FSA joined the RUIE

The Fishery Shipowners Association (FSA) has joined the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE). Thus, the interests of the largest investors in the industry have been represented in the union since this year.
The primary objectives as part of activity in this union are offering inducements to invest and develop fish processing through the mechanism of the rates of charge for ABR, updating the fishing rules taking into account the arrival of new fishing vessels for fishing activity, the use of catch weighing technologies and modern fishing gear.
The priority is the fishing fleet renovation and modernization as part of the state investment quota program. In the current environment, the work of investors on renewal the fleet with domestic vessels has particular importance for the further development of the industry and ensuring the national economic security.
Membership in the RUIE allows the FSA to contribute to shaping the position of the largest Russian business association, to argue in favor of the furthering interests of active investors who stand for the sustainable development of the industry. Today, the fishermen community is represented in the RUIE by only four members, whose opinion can be taken into account in the decisions adopted by the relevant Commission. The other panellists provide an expert assessment. FSA considers it necessary to organize the work of the commission so that its decisions are implemented into practice of the industry.