Analysis of the "historical" fish quotas users indicators by business scale and of the "investment" quotas distribution
An analysis of the historical fish quotas users activities by business scale showed that fishing is most efficiently carried out by large businesses, which account for about 80% of the industry.
Comparison of the large businesses and SMEs efficiency
Providing more than 80% of employment in the industry, large enterprises maintain the stability of the labor market in coastal regions and create conditions for the development of the regional economy.
Large enterprises ensure the financial stability of the industry.
These factors make large business the main participant in industry development projects within the framework of investment quotas.
An analysis of the transition period from the historical principle to the investment principle confirms the long period of retention of quotas for historical users. According to the forecast, the initial partial redistribution on the second stage of investment quotas after adoption of the bill will occur no earlier than 2027.